Current Plans for the SonarQube ReSharper Plugin

Update 2014-02-06: The SonarQube .NET ReSharper plugin has been released. See my release announcement.

For those of you following along with the SonarQube ReSharper plugin, here's an update on where things currently stand.

JetBrains released version 8.1 of the ReSharper commandline tools back in early December, so I consider version 1.0 of the plugin to have been "released" around that time... and there are a handful of folks out there using it! However, I was unsuccessful in getting the necessary votes on the SonarQube developers mailing list to get the plugin published to the official Update Center, which would make it uber simple for others to install and use the plugin. I must say, I was quite disappointed that I only managed one "+1" vote of the required three. (For the uninitiated, the rules for getting a plugin officially released require three "+1", or "yes" votes and no "-1" or "no" votes from the existing developers group.) As discussed on the dev mailing list, there's not much incentive for the developers on the list, who are, by definition, Java developers, to try, test and therefore vote on plugins for .NET (or other languages), thus making the bar very high for new developers to make the cut. Generally, the call for a vote stays open for under a week -- in my case, it was open for more than a month before I threw in the towel.

Since then, however, someone else reported an issue with the rule keys used by the plugin (which map directly to the ReSharper rule keys) that cause the Issues Report plugin to fail.

Additionally, several users have asked for the ability to provide a ReSharper dotSettings file while running analysis directly in the plugin.

And I've had a few people contact me to say they'd like to submit pull requests for features they'd like to see as well.

So, I'm planning to work on version 1.1 over the next month or so to fix the rule key issue and add a few of the user-requested features (especially if pull requests are submitted). And at that point, re-try to get the plugin officially hosted in the Update Center. I am putting a somewhat hard limit on a month to get this wrapped up, as my "volunteer" time will be shifting to support That Conference 2014, likely up until the actual conference, Aug 11-13th.